Organizing your vehicle does not have to be difficult, nor take up a lot of time. Best of which, it does not require you to empty out your wallet. Whether you are heading out on vacation or your daily commute, you can find many things that will help you keep everything in its place. Even if you have children or pets riding around in your vehicle, these amazing car organization hacks will keep your ride looking brand new and organized.
Keep Your Vehicle Looking Fresh
- Dog Seat Cover: This is essential if you have a furry friend. This will protect your car seats from scratches and spills caused by your dog, so you both can enjoy endless adventures together.
- DIY car emergency kit: Gather necessary supplies and always be prepared. We suggest storing bandaids, pain relief medicine, toothpaste, etc. Keep these important items in the glove box for easy access.
- Snack Bag: This is a very underrated item to keep stashed in your car. Getting stuck in traffic or not having time to swing through a drive-through can cause you to miss a meal. We suggest some crackers, protein bars, and water. Never go hungry on the go again!
- Shower Caddy: You can use this to organize all of the necessary oils and fluids for your vehicle.
- Pop-up Trunk Shelf: Say goodbye to smashed groceries or cramped luggage. This handy-dandy trunk shelf will keep everything nice and organized.
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Red McCombs Superior Body Shop
There is never a good time to have an accident, but it is good to know there’s a collision center you can turn to that will restore your vehicle to its original condition. Red McCombs Superior Body Shop is proud to be that place for you! With our unflagging commitment to doing things repairs the right way every time, you can expect fantastic results when the work is complete. We invite you to contact us for a free estimate. Our technicians will walk you through what needs to be done to get your vehicle back in shape, and they will tell you exactly what you can expect to pay out of pocket, which will be less than you’re probably thinking. See you soon!