Cracked windshields are an unfortunate part of life. Eventually, it happens to every driver. You might be driving down the street when a rock or other road debris strikes your windshield. Or, it could happen when you’re not around. You might crank up your car and prepare to back out of your driveway before you notice, but when you do you have to decide whether the damage is safe to drive with. Keep reading for a few pointers on how to determine when it is unsafe to drive with a cracked or otherwise damaged windshield.
Where Is the Crack Located?
The first factor to consider is where the crack is located. If the crack, ding, or star crack is located on the passenger side of the windshield then it may be safe for you to wait until you have more time. If the crack is located in the center of your windshield or on the driver side, it’s probably not safe to drive with it. The determining factor is whether or not the crack is in the driver’s field of vision. If it obstructs the driver’s vision in any way, have your vehicle towed to the Red McCombs Superior Body Shop for repairs.
How Big is the Crack?
You might not know it, but your vehicle’s windshield plays a significant role in the structural integrity of your car, truck, or SUV. The windshield’s glass strengthens your vehicle’s chassis and protects the roof from being crushed if you’re in a collision. Large cracks can reduce the structural integrity of your car. If you have a small crack that is in an out of the way location you can keep driving your vehicle until you can have it repaired at Red McCombs Superior Body Shop. If the crack is large or spiders across the entire windshield, get it repaired immediately.
Do I Have to Replace My Windshield?
Determining whether or not you will need a windshield replacement depends on the factors listed above as well. A technician will need to assess the damage to determine whether you need a replacement or a repair but you can use these general guidelines as a rough assessment.
- If the crack is in an inaccessible location, you will need a windshield replacement.
- If you have a crack that is no longer than six inches, it can probably be repaired.
- If you have a star crack that is smaller than a quarter, it can likely be repaired.
Visit Red McCombs Superior Body Shop for an assessment.